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RBC Mobile Wallet - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Nicole R.D. Haggerty; Binny Samuel; Ramasastry Chandrasekhar;
出版日期:2016/05/05內容長度:7 頁

Teaching note for product 9B16E008.

RBC Mobile Wallet
作者姓名:Nicole R.D. Haggerty; Binny Samuel; Ramasastry Chandrasekhar;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B16E008
出版日期:2016/05/05內容長度:10 頁

In October 2012, the executive vice-president (EVP) at the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Canada's leading bank, faced managerial dilemmas with regard to the launch of a mobile wallet. RBC had developed a cloud-based application that differed from industry standard SIM card–based payment methods. The EVP was evaluating areas of contrast between the two models as part of arriving at a decision. There was likelihood that the cloud solution was disruptive. .....more